2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 15 vs Jubilo Iwata Match Information

We would like to announce the match information for the 2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 15 vs Jubilo Iwata, which will be held at Ecopa Stadium on Sunday the 19th.

2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 15
Sunday, May 19, 2024 Kickoff: 14:00 Stadium Ecopa
Jubilo Iwata vs Urawa Reds

Spectating Rules

・[Flags of size L (1,015mm x 1,575mm) or less]
Available for use at visitor's back-of-goal reserved seats and main M reserved seats
・[Flags up to medium size (2,030mm x 3,150mm)] *Up to four times the size of the large flag
Available only in the visitor's back-of-goal reserved seats (1st floor)
・[Large flag (2,030mm x 3,150mm)] *4 times the size of the L flag
Visitor's back-of-goal reserved seats (1st floor) front row only
*Banner, gate flags and flags that may be displayed will only be those for which prior application to Urawa Reds has been completed.
* Advance application is not required for plain three-color flags (red, white, black) that are L flag size or smaller.
Please note that if the design contains text, logos, etc., an application will be required.
- Noisy instruments such as drums and megaphones used to coordinate cheering may only be used in the reserved seats behind the visitor's goal (1st floor).

■ Regarding display of banners
・Preliminary explanation/preview will be held from 10:45 to 11:15. Please come to S Gate. (Maximum 30 people)
*There will be no advance posting. Posting will occur after the venue opens.

[About the areas where advertisements can be posted]
-Banners will be displayed after the venue opens (2 hours before the start of the match).

*Posting in any location other than the designated area is prohibited.
*Regarding the content posted, any actions that violate J.League spectator etiquette and rules/J.League and Jubilo Iwata match management regulations are prohibited.
*When posting, it is prohibited to hide the sponsor's name.
*The use of duct tape for posting is prohibited.

■ Opening
12:00 (scheduled)
*Those with tickets for reserved seats behind the visitor goal should enter through "S Gate". Those with M reserved seats should enter through "W Gate".

・Smoking is prohibited throughout the venue.
・Re-entry is permitted. Your ticket will be checked upon re-entry.
・You will not be allowed to enter through the N/E gates wearing visiting team uniforms/goods.
・You will not be allowed to wear the visiting team's uniform/merchandise while watching the game in any seats other than the visitor's behind the goal reserved seats and M reserved seats.
- Please note that you will not be able to pass between the visitor's reserved seats behind the goal and the M reserved seats within the concourse.
・Plastic bottles are allowed.

■ Television broadcast

For further details, please see the official Jubilo Iwata website.

■ 5/19 (Sun) Match Information

■About the viewing style at Ecopa Stadium

■Access to Stadium Ecopa

We appreciate your cooperation and enthusiastic support.

2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 15 vs Jubilo Iwata Match Information


  • porus group
  • Nike
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
  • mitsubishi motors
  • Enekle
  • DHL
  • Ticket Pia