


We will get through this period with our players-Team Manager Takafumi Hori  

Comment from Team Manager Hori after the J. League 31th Sec match against Jubilo Iwata

It was a pity that we ended up with the regrettable results today. We lost a goal in a set play during the first half of the match. We tried to catch up with the opponent by making offensive attacks. However, due to the pressure and good defense of our opponent team, we were unable to break free from their defense.
As for the goal we lost, though we were expecting the opponent’s movements such as set plays and what risks we had to manage, we were not able to address these issues well and as a result, we lost the goal against them. After a little break, we will have to play in a series of league matches. Though the situation we face is very tough, I would like to do my best to go through this difficult period together with my team members.
[Urawa Reds Official Media (URD: OM)]