Meiji Yasuda J1 League Section 21 vs Cerezo Osaka match information
We will inform you about the match information of "Meiji Yasuda J1 League Section 21 vs Cerezo Osaka" to be held at Yodoko Sakura Stadium on Sunday, July 16th.
Meiji Yasuda J1 League Section 21
July 16, 2023 (Sun) 19:00 Kickoff Yodoko Sakura Stadium
Cerezo Osaka vs Urawa Reds
■ Opening
17:00 (planned)
■ Relay
■ Support rules and support items
・Only banners, gate flags and flags that have been pre-registered with Urawa Reds can be displayed.
* No need to apply in advance for three-color flags (red, white, black) that are smaller than the L flag size and have no letters.
Please note that you will need to submit an application if there are letters, logos, etc.
■ Posting banners
・Preliminary explanation, viewing, and delivery of the banner will be held from 15:30 to 16:20, so those who wish to participate should gather at the entrance of the visitor stand by the start time.
*The light blue part is the area where you can post.
・Re-entry is possible.
・Bringing in support goods for the visitor team and wearing them to watch the game is only possible in the visitor supporter seat/mixed seat area. Entering or watching the game in the home side seating area is strictly prohibited. Even if you purchase a ticket by mistake, we cannot refund or exchange it.
・Please smoke in the designated smoking areas.
For other details, please check Cerezo Osaka official website.
■ 7/16 "Match information"
■ Spectator etiquette and rules
■ Yodokou Sakura Stadium Access
Thank you for your cooperation.
Meiji Yasuda J1 League Section 21
July 16, 2023 (Sun) 19:00 Kickoff Yodoko Sakura Stadium
Cerezo Osaka vs Urawa Reds
■ Opening
17:00 (planned)
■ Relay
■ Support rules and support items
・Only banners, gate flags and flags that have been pre-registered with Urawa Reds can be displayed.
* No need to apply in advance for three-color flags (red, white, black) that are smaller than the L flag size and have no letters.
Please note that you will need to submit an application if there are letters, logos, etc.
■ Posting banners
・Preliminary explanation, viewing, and delivery of the banner will be held from 15:30 to 16:20, so those who wish to participate should gather at the entrance of the visitor stand by the start time.
*The light blue part is the area where you can post.
・Re-entry is possible.
・Bringing in support goods for the visitor team and wearing them to watch the game is only possible in the visitor supporter seat/mixed seat area. Entering or watching the game in the home side seating area is strictly prohibited. Even if you purchase a ticket by mistake, we cannot refund or exchange it.
・Please smoke in the designated smoking areas.
For other details, please check Cerezo Osaka official website.
■ 7/16 "Match information"
■ Spectator etiquette and rules
■ Yodokou Sakura Stadium Access
Thank you for your cooperation.