“We want to advance to the semi-finals with the home advantage” Coach Maciej Skorza (regular press conference 9/8)

On the 8th, manager Maciej Skorza 's press conference was held online, where he expressed his enthusiasm for the J.League YBC Levain Cup Prime Stage Quarterfinal Round 2 against Gamba Osaka, which will be held at Saitama Stadium on the 10th.

(I think it was great that we were able to win the first game of the YBC Levain Cup quarterfinals in enemy territory, but when we spoke to the players after the match, Takahiro Akimoto who prides himself on his stamina, said, ``My body is getting tougher. (What does Coach Maciej think of the team's overall condition?)
“I think there are several groups of players with different levels of fatigue. We've played about 40 games this season, and there are some players who are starting to show signs of fatigue. That's also the reason why we changed some members, but I think Aki (Akimoto) showed a good performance, and I think his condition is getting back to normal after being injured and taking a break. Gamba (Osaka) is a cohesive team with a good build-up.They are a team that plays well while drawing out the opponents, so it will be a tough game for the entire team, including Aki.There are many things this season. We have played against a lot of different teams, but of the two teams we played against, the one where we felt the biggest difference was Gamba Osaka. I think they are a growing team."

(In the first game, we used players who don't usually play, and Coach Maciej also named some players and evaluated them after the game, but do you think we'll find new options?)
“At the Levain Cup stage, the first goal is to get to the semi-finals.Then there's also checking on various players for the future.The result was very good for us, but in the first leg... The downside was Shoya Nakajima 's injury.

(Thank you for your hard work training in the heavy rain)
"I like this kind of weather."

(Isn't heavy rain quite difficult?)
“I changed my training plan today because of the rain, but I know the weather will improve tomorrow, so I’m okay.”

(I think it would be advantageous to win the first game away 1-0 and play the second game at home, but what will be important in order to advance to the semi-finals?)
"I think the result was good. I think the result was better than the performance. I would like to improve in almost every aspect of the performance. First of all, the high press. I have to be more courageous and press high. We can't do that. And after we steal the ball, I think we have to be able to keep the ball better than we did in the first game."

(I think he did well when he was pushed in, but wasn't it difficult to get the tempo to attack when he was pushed that far?)
“It was a game where Gamba OSAKA had control of the ball, but I think we were able to defend even when we were forced into it. However, when we got the ball, I think we need to be able to keep the ball a little more carefully. We had to press high. There are some areas that we can improve on, so if we can do that, I think we can have a different flow from the first game.”

(I think it's safe to say that at the end of the first game, we were reduced to a back five, but if we defended that low, it would be difficult to counter.In that case, it would be either we could defend or we would lose points.) I don't think a state where there are no attacks is desirable, but how do you want to solve it?)
“I think you’re right.I think we played too deep in the defensive positions in the first game.At times, our wingers were absorbed into the final line and we ended up defending with five pieces.It wasn’t our aim. That's how it turned out.A similar situation happened in the J1 League match against Nagoya Grampus at home, but at that time Tomo (Tomoaki Okubo) intentionally got off and Morishita (Ryu) (Ar) My role was to hold back the players.However, I didn't do it intentionally in the first game.It was seen in the first half, so I think the areas for improvement at halftime are to prevent the wingers from dropping too far. We said we would, but that's what happened. We're going to practice and improve here, and hopefully we'll be better for Sunday's game."

(When you steal the ball in a good position, you want to aim for the goal, but I think that holding the ball in a good way will reduce the number of attacks your opponent makes, and it will also make the starting position of your opponent's attacks worse.) (What do you think about such strategic matters?)
``There was a scene in the 10th minute of the first half when Ogiwara (Takuya) missed a shot, but I think it clearly showed what we wanted to do after we got the ball.The set-up and placement were also good. , we were able to use the space between the opponent's lines.Then, in the first half, our physical strength started to decline, and if we had been able to keep the ball a little longer, our wingers could have stepped up and provided support to (Toshiki) Takahashi. I think we did, but we didn't go that far. When we can't take possession in the defensive zone and move forward, we have to keep the ball a little while changing sides, for example, and create time to move forward while moving up the line. ”

(You mentioned Shoya Nakajima 's injury, but what is his condition?)
``Shortly after Shoya took to the pitch, he injured a muscle during a challenge with an opponent, and since then he has been unable to play normally.He is currently being treated by the medical staff, but we hope to see him soon. I'm still waiting for a decision on whether I can hope to return or whether I have to wait."

(I think the reason why it becomes physically difficult is because the attack ends too quickly and the vertical movement becomes violent, but it also happens when you let go of the ball earlier than you intended or attack too quickly.) (Does this mean it's an unintended attack?)
“It would be better to attack quickly after winning the ball, but that doesn't happen every time, and especially in a situation where we are being forced like we did the other day, we have to avoid it. Against an opponent like that, we need to attack the ball a little more. I think there are times when we have to hold on. Against Gamba OSAKA, who came with almost a regular group, we were playing with 11 players for the first time, so we expected there to be some tough times. , this Sunday's game is a home game, which in itself is an advantage for us, so we expect to play better."

(I think he was surprised by the harsher summer climate in Japan than he imagined, but I don't think he took off his jacket once during the games in July and August. Was Coach Maciej himself okay with the summer heat?)
“During games, it is my formal attire to wear a jacket, so I always wear it.I have experience in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but I was surprised by the summer in Japan. There are times when I think I made a mistake in how I put things together, but it was a good experience for me when I think about my future."

(Regarding the heavy rain, you said, ``I like this kind of weather.'' What is the reason?)
"I like rain when it's hot. I was talking to the coaches today during practice, and I don't think they would have been so happy if it had been 10 degrees and raining today. If anything, I like sunny days, but I also like to see it rain once in a while. It's no problem. When it rains, we play faster, so I think the players like it too."

(How long will it take for Okubo to return?)
"Tomo is starting rehabilitation, but next week he will go to the hospital for another test and then we will know for sure how long it will take. It may be difficult to see Tomo in September."

(I think Okubo played a central role on the side and was one of the key players, but what do you hope for the future of players such as Jumpei Hayakawa and Alex Schalk?)
“I don’t think it’s any secret that Tomo was the main attacking force.When I think of changing the flow of a game, Tomo and Atsuki come to mind first.When I introduced them midway through the Emperor’s Cup, Thanks to them, we were able to get a good result.I think now is the time for the other players to show their abilities, but I think the players who participated in the first game took full advantage of the opportunity. Alex scored the winning goal with a mid-range shot, and I think it was good that he was able to show his quality in a difficult situation.''

(Was Alexander Scholz removed from the squad for the first game due to fatigue?)
“I missed the first match because I felt sore after the match against Albirex Niigata, but I am ready for the second match.”

(What do you think about the YBC Levain Cup title, which is a domestic cup competition, and the value of fighting for that title?)
“We are now four games away from the trophy, so it is a very important tournament. We want to do everything we can to get to the semi-finals. At the same time, we are thinking about the coming weeks and months. There is also the ACL (AFC Champions League), so we have a pretty tight schedule.Lastly, there is the (FIFA) Club World Cup, but we will play 8 games in the J1 League and 6 games in the ACL.And now... All staff members are working hard to understand the condition of the players, and are also looking at which players can play and how long they can play.Fatigue is extremely dangerous, as injuries can occur from the accumulation of fatigue. That's why I put Hiroki (Sakai) on the bench in the last game.''

(Regarding Hiroki Abe, I think you previously said that you expected him to participate around September, but what is his current condition?)
``I had been improving my condition in a pretty good way, but there was a time when my muscle tension increased, so I trained separately from the rest of the team for about a week.I have already returned to practice and am working on my condition every day. The situation is increasing. I can't say for sure that we won't see Yuaki in September."

[Urawa Reds Official Media (URD:OM)]

“We want to advance to the semi-finals with the home advantage” Coach Maciej Skorza (regular press conference 9/8)


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