2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 30 vs Gamba Osaka Match Information

We would like to announce the match information for the 2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 30 match vs. Gamba Osaka, which will be held at Panasonic Stadium Suita on Saturday the 14th.

2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 30
Saturday, September 14, 2024 Kickoff: 19:00 Panasonic Stadium Suita
Gamba Osaka vs Urawa Reds

Spectating Rules
- Banners, gate flags and flags that may be displayed will only be those for which prior application to Urawa Reds has been completed.
*Gate flags may only be displayed at Vistor lower seat.
*No prior application is required for plain three-color flags (red, white, black) that are smaller than L flag size.
Please note that if the design contains text, logos, etc., an application will be required.

Regarding display of banners
・Preliminary explanations and previews of the banners will be held from 14:00 to 14:20, so if you wish to participate, please gather at Gate 2 (visitor gate) by the start time.
*There will be no advance posting. Posting will occur after the gates open.

[Possible posting areas]
-Banners will be displayed after the gates open (2 hours and 30 minutes before the start of the match).

*The grey areas are the display locations.
*The height of displays at the front of the 5th floor must be within 1m.
*The location of Vistor lower seat banners will vary depending on the match, and will be explained during advance briefings or when entering the stadium.

■ Opening
16:30 (scheduled)
*Those with Vistor lower seat tickets should enter through Gate 2.

・Re-entry is possible from 17:30 until the last 10 minutes of the show.
・Please smoke in designated areas.
・Plastic bottles are allowed. There are no restrictions on the size of the bottles.
・If you plan to support Urawa Reds or wear/use uniforms or merchandise, we ask that you purchase Vistor lower seat, Category 4 Mixed seat, or Category 4 Front View Mixed seat.
Please note that seats other than Vistor lower seat, Category 4 Mixed, and Category 4 Front View Mixed Seats are home areas and you will not be able to cheer for the visiting team or wear or use uniforms or merchandise while spectating.

■ Television broadcast

For further details, please see Gamba Osaka official website.

■September 14th (Sat) Match Information

■ Spectating rules

■How to get to Panasonic Stadium Suita

We appreciate your cooperation and enthusiastic support.

2024 Meiji Yasuda J1 League Round 30 vs Gamba Osaka Match Information

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