【REX CLUB】2025年度REX CLUB REGULAR(有料会員)WEB早期入会、12/20(金)10時より受付開始!(12/19更新)

Urawa Reds' membership "REX CLUB" will open a new My Page and begin accepting early online applications for REGULAR membership (paid membership) for 2025 from 10:00 on Friday, December 20th.

REX CLUB will celebrate its 10th anniversary and will be revamping its My Page and various services on December 20th. The criteria for upgrading to the next level and the benefits will also be changed for REX CLUB REGULAR.

If you join early, you will be able to join ahead of the start of the new fiscal year in February 2025, and new REGULAR members will have a maximum validity period of approximately 13 months. We also have special benefits available only to those who join during the early membership period. Take this opportunity to join REX CLUB REGULAR!

2025年度 REGULAR入会特典

The 2025 REGULAR membership benefits will be on display at the REX CLUB booth inside the south gate of Albirex Niigata match on Sunday, December 8th.

Click here for the "REX CLUB 2025 REGULAR Membership Special Site"

Main renewal contents of REX CLUB REGULAR
The details of the renewal for REX CLUB REGULAR are as follows. For the full details of the renewal including other categories, please see the renewal information page.

(1) Revision of membership fees and introduction of a fee for issuing membership cards
Due to the recent rise in prices and labor costs, it has become difficult to continue charging the same annual membership fee for the REX CLUB REGULAR as before. We are very sorry to inform you that we will revise the annual membership fee as follows. In addition, we will change the format of the membership card to one that can be issued for a fee according to the wishes of our members.

Annual fee *Tax included
Adults: 4,000 yen
U-18 1,700 yen

Card membership card enrollment fee (new and renewal enrollments only) *Tax included
Adults: 700 yen (optional for new and renewal passes)
U-18 300 yen (optional for new and renewal)

*After joining, if you wish to reissue your card during the validity period of your membership, a reissue fee of 1,100 yen (tax included) will be required for both adults and U-18 members, as before.

(2) Changes to the stage-up criteria for REGULAR adults
The following changes will make it easier to advance through stages.
(1) Number of home game attendances added to the conditions for moving up to the next stage
(2) The evaluation period for accumulated points is limited to a maximum of two years.
(3) If the conditions are met, the stage will be upgraded the next day and the stage will be maintained until the end of the following fiscal year.

(Insert the image to be included in the renewed LP)
* Stage advancement during the fiscal year will begin from fiscal year 2025 (February 1, 2025). Please note that even if you meet the conditions for stage advancement during the early enrollment period, the stage change will take place at the start of the new fiscal year.

(3) Changes to REGULAR Adult Stage Bonus Benefits
The GOLD and SIVER stage bonus benefits will be enhanced!
(1) As stage benefits, in addition to the usual stage bonus points, invitations or preferential ticket coupons will be given away. (Details on timing of grant, expiration date, etc. will be announced separately.)
(2) In addition, GOLD members will receive one of the past LOYLALTY (season ticket) bonus items (these items will be distributed from around May. Details will be announced separately).



2024年度REGULAR大人/REGULAR U-18会員(有料会員)のみなさまへ自動継続入会に関するご案内
REX CLUBマイページリニューアル後も、登録済みのクレジットカード情報やREGULAR自動継続設定は新マイページへ引き継がれております。

2024年度REGULAR大人/REGULAR U-18会員のうち「REGULAR自動継続あり」に設定いただいている方を対象に、2025年1月下旬または2月上旬にクレジットカード情報および現在の会員カテゴリーに基づき、2025年度のREGULAR継続手続きと年会費決済を行います。

自動継続入会で2025年度入会特典はREGULAR大人の場合「REX POINT 2,500ポイント」、REGULAR U-18の場合「REX POINT 1,500ポイント」のポイントコースとなります。グッズコースカード会員証の発行をご希望の方はご自身で入会手続きをお願いいたします。

自動継続入会も早期入会特典(ポイントコース)としてREX POINT 500ポイント付与いたします。

REGULAR自動継続設定の変更をご希望の場合は、REX CLUBマイページ「ユーザー設定」または「会員情報変更」より、クレジットカード情報の変更は「決済情報登録・変更」よりお手続きいただけます。


【お問い合わせ先 REX CLUB事務局】
TEL 0570-064-026
火曜日~土曜日 10:00~18:00(日・月・祝日・ホームゲーム開催日除く)

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